The SIUE 60/40 meal plan is deliberatly designed to confuse and trick students into spending more money! Basically the whole 60/40 thing is just a confusing roundabout way of giving you a 0% discount while making you feel like you're getting a 60% discount. This way whenever you buy a $7 Sammich you'll look at the recipt and see $2.80 and think wow this is so cheap, when in actuality you're getting nothing but scammed! Not to mention the fact that at the end of the year, the money they give back is only 40% of what you put into the account. Not only is that an outright scam, it's also a brilliant manipulation trick that makes people think they are beating the system by spending all their money, when in reality you're just giving the school even more money!
All in all there is absolutely NO benefit to the 60/40 plan, you're much better off taking the money and putting it into Cougar Bucks. This way you have an honest understanding of how much you're spending and you get 100% of you're money back at the end of the year! This way you still get to use your Cougar card and you get an actual 10% discount at Union Station.